Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, known in Europe for his controversial political stances, was spotted vacationing in Kerala, a picturesque state in southern India. Initially shrouded in secrecy, the visit sparked international interest and speculation about his health, possible travel expenses and the presence of …
Munnar-Kashmir of South India
Munnar, the celebrated slope station of south India, is a heartfelt region where regular excellence is wherever to visit, investigate and to appreciate. Munnar is where Muthirapuzha, Nallathanni, and Kundala, three mountain streams meet, and the name “Munnar” means “three rivers” in Malayalam. The hill …
Kerala will shape heli-tourism industry strategy soon: The travel industry serve P A Mohamed Riyas
Heli-tourism policy will be the first in the country. It will help popularise the concept and attract more tourists. We are now exploring the potential of heli-tourism Kerala will before long have a heli-Tourism industry strategy, said The travel industry Clergyman P A Mohamed Riyas …
World Tourism Day: Known History Significance
World The travel industry Day is commended consistently on September 27 to advance the travel industry from one side of the planet to the other. It was laid out by the UN World The travel industry Association (UNWTO) to commend the force of the travel …
Trip to Kerala : A wonderful vacation for Family Bonding
Kerala is indeed an ideal destination for a family holiday, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, diverse culture, and numerous activities for everyone to enjoy. Here are some suggestions for an unforgettable trip to Kerala: Backwater Cruise: Embark on a houseboat cruise through the …
The Top 10 Places to Go in Kerala During the Monsoon for a Magical Vacation in 2023
Kerala is blessed with a unique set of geographical features that have made it one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Asia. It is bounded in the west by the Arabian Sea, in the east by the towering Western Ghats, and is connected by …
Settled in the core of the Western Ghats, Gavi is an unlikely treasure in the delightful territory of Kerala, India. Gavi is a breathtaking destination for nature lovers thanks to its abundant wildlife, pristine forests, and lush greenery. The wonders of Gavi and the reasons …
Kochi Water Metro:Ticket Price and Route:India’s First Water Metro
In the Indian state of Kerala, the large city of Kochi is frequently referred to as the “commercial capital” of the region. In the past, the Vembanadu Lake’s inland boating was the primary mode of transportation for both people and goods. The system’s demise has …
Varkala Beach
On the outskirts of the Thiruvananthapuram district is the peaceful hamlet of Varkala. It has a beautiful beach, a Vishnu Temple that has been around for 2000 years, and the Ashramam – Sivagiri Mutt, which is not far from the beach. Varkala’s Papanasam Beach, also …
10 Things to do in Allepey
Kerala, God’s own country, is one of India’s most beautiful tourist destinations. Here are the top ten things to do in Alleppey. This wondrous state is characterized by a surreal calmness, calming atmosphere, and lush greenery. Kerala’s Alleppey is a tranquil and beautiful town that …